Are At War With the Unamericans—Secede or Die: A Special Report.
Texe Marrs discusses the incredible corruption and betrayal going on in Washington,
DC and across America. Congress is dishonest—a bunch of lying thieves who
speak one thing and do another. House Speaker Paul Ryan is one of the worst. He
and his lieutenants just approved a 2-year budget that gives Obama everything he
wanted—ObamaCare, Planned Parenthood, wars in the Middle East, spy
survelliance. This new budget spends over 2 trillion dollars we do not have. Even
Climate Change got funded. Ryan needed the votes of Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats.
He shafted conservatives. Billions more dollars went to pay for unbridled
immigration and refugees. It is time we branded these devils what they are. They are
the “UnAmericans.” We must secede and we must do so legally
without violence. We must work to have our own nation, free of these thieves, free
of the bureaucrats. We must secede and rid ourselves of immoral drug dealers,
criminals and those who have destroyed our constitution. We must secede, or

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