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    Land of the Free, Home of the Brave?: Jerry Barrett is pleased to welcome Pastor Butch Paugh to the program. America has become the land of Sodom and Gomorrah with its homosexual and transgender movement. Lukewarm pastors have failed to prepare the flock to avoid the pitfalls of the ills afflicting society today. Ignorance and apathy have garnered a strong foothold and those with the temerity to voice truth about the degradation of our nation are quickly labeled and scorned. The fingerprints of this control can be seen by those willing to look after the COVID scamdemic and the tyrannical controls implemented on our nation as well as the world. Until such time as brave souls are willing to call out this debauched behaviour this nation will continue its downward spiral.

    Secrets (Volume 307): Jerry Barrett hosts and brings forth eye-opening secrets and facts so often covered up by the mass media: (1) Mainstream media says the quiet part out loud concerning who controls the narrative; (2) MSNBC host explains that Elon Musk—along with his cohorts—could censor, ban, or suspend accounts that could affect the next election; (3) Biden regime unveils its new Ministry of Truth!; (4) Florida sheriff rankles gun-control advocates with his press briefing; (5) Xavier Becerra explains that the jab kills more people of color; (6) Teachers across America are creating secret “gender transition” closets; (7) Pete Buttigieg tells Americans to get used to high gas prices; (8) Congressional staffer will be able to afford higher gas prices thanks to the largest appropriation increase since its creation in 1996; (9) Drilling permits plummet eighty-five percent under Biden despite outcries for more oil; (10) Jen Psaki, White House Press Secretary, confirms that the Biden regime is handing out free cellphones to illegal aliens; (11) Who’s been visiting Biden in Delaware?—even the Secret Service doesn’t know; (12) Seattle residents protested to defund the police, but now they’re not sure it was a great idea; (13) Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor believes those who know FBI crime statistics should never serve on a jury; (14) Illinois governor orders gas stations to display his election propaganda; (15) Woke corporations are going broke—will they wake up in time?; (16) Harvard cancels feminist speaker.

    The Other “Social Credit”: Jerry Barrett is pleased to welcome investigative reporter and roving editor for American Free Press Mark Anderson to the program. Mark returns with a fresh twist, as he will explain the other “social credit” that you may have never heard about—and it has nothing at all to do with the Chinese social penalty system for “anti-state” behavior. Instead, Mark will explain the basic framework of “Douglas Social Credit,” which is named after British engineer Clifford Hugh Douglas, who called it “applied Christianity.” It shows great promise for repairing, or in some respects replacing, our political-socio-economic order. One might call it Sovereign National Credit. It’s essentially a species of monetary reform that dramatically decentralizes power by avoiding the false alternatives of centralized state socialism and top-down monopoly capitalism.

    The “Ministry of Truth” for a New Era: Jerry Barrett is pleased to welcome Sandra Myers back to the program. Under the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) the Biden administration announced that it has launched what is being called a Disinformation Governance Board to combat “misinformation.” Our new Ministry of Truth is in charge of propaganda and will follow the principle of doublethink, and will concern itself with spreading lies. This “ministry” will make sure all information available to the population conforms with current party lines and government-think. Will they have the power to change historical accounts any destroy evidence that will prove the Democrats false? Is this system already in place?


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