Idiocracy (Volume
3)—News of the Absurd and Ridiculous: Whether daily news reports are read, watched, or listened to, people are
constantly being bombarded by propaganda. The absurdity of what is disseminated to the average
person begs the they think we are idiots? In this explosive report, Jerry Barrett
has scoured articles from around the country to point out how far we, as a nation, have fallen:
(1) Democrats have been perpetually photographed in public without masks, even after mandating
it themselves. What absurd excuses have they come up with?; (2) Barack Obama is constructing
another multi-million dollar mansion on the coast of Hawaii; (3) Proof of “vaccination”
will not be required to attend the Oscars in 2022—unless you are the hired help; (4)
NPR, funded by taxpayer dollars, has stated that skin-colored emojies are racist; (5)
A California school has threatened expulsion of students who do not wear masks and the prosecution
of the parents for their child’s truancy; (6) Build Crack Better...Biden program
aims to distribute crack pipes and other drug paraphernalia to underprivileged communities; (7)
If you undermine the trust of the current regime in Washington, D.C. you will be labeled a domestic
terrorist; (8) Private school in Rhode Island wants students who choose to give out Valentines
gifts to select “gender normative” cards; (9) School in Baltimore, Maryland exposed
as failing the children it has been charged with educating; (10) Insider trading could be
banned...again...and two Democrat Representatives are not happy about it; (11) Bureau of Alcohol,
Tobacco, and Firearms has a national gun registry totaling almost a billion records; (12) IRS program
would have required “selfies” be submitted to a third party to view your tax information
