Secrets (Volume
317): Jerry Barrett
hosts and brings forth eye-opening secrets and facts so often covered up by the mass media: (1)Union
for government employees claims forcing them back into the office is detrimental to the environment;
(2) Ford Motor Company has filed a patent for self-driving cars to repossess themselves if the owner
is delinquent on payments; (3) Homicide clearance rate has plummeted 20% since 1980; (4) FBI
background checks have exceed two million per month for over three years straight; (5) Nike is asking
for police presence at their Portland store before it will reopen; (6) City of Seattle, Washington
must pay $3.65 million dollars to business owners for damages caused by the anarchist takeover of a
six block radius, known as CHAZ, in 2020; (7) Brazen thieves in California casually stroll out of a
retail store with bags of stolen clothes; (8) Pope Francis has declared that there is a special place
in heaven for pedophiles and we should not judge them; (9) Social justice has invaded major airlines
with policies implemented to hire unqualified people—predominately women and people of
color—as pilots for wide-bodied aircraft; (10) Legal group claims the IRS, in an effort to
create “racial equity,” is altering algorithms to target white and Asian Americans with
audits; (11) FBI has gone wild as internal memo exposes numerous cases of drunk driving, property
theft, child abuse and others leading to a slap-on-the-wrist punishment; (12) Doctors and hospitals
have been instructed to aid the federal government with tracking unvaccinated individuals; (13) A
Florida doctor, who addressed a hospital board meeting about the efficacy of ivermectin, was escorted
from the meeting by police.
Climate Rationing Is On
Our Doorstep: Genesis
8:22 explains to us that until Jesus returns there will be cold and heat. But the Marxists behind
the “Green Movement” care not about God’s Word. They are determined to implement their
tyrannical control at all costs. Following the blueprint of the COVID-19 lockdowns, the elite are
contemplating how and when to install food and fuel rationing to coincide with climate lockdowns. Resident
Joe Biden has claimed that climate change is an existential threat to the world, yet has not voiced one
concern about the number of coal-fired power plants being constructed in Red China. Meanwhile, Biden’s
regime and his “Climate Czar,” John Kerry, continue to pressure power companies to shutter coal
and natural gas power plants with no new construction imminent. However, if one follows the “green”
money trail, you will find it leads directly to Democrat mega-donors. Wealth redistribution is one of the
hallmarks of Marxist doctrine. Unfortunately for the working class, the only distribution that will happen
is the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
The Perfect
Dictatorship: Jerry
Barrett is pleased to welcome investigative reporter Pat McShay to the program. Aldous Huxley,
in his dystopian novel Brave New World, wrote the appearance of democracy would be a
system of slavery where the slaves would love their servitude. The Green New World Order has
envisioned such a utopian society, dubbed 15-Minute Cities. There would be no need for cars as
everything is within bicycling or walking distance. Agenda 2030 is approaching us at breakneck
speed, and it does not appear to be slowing down anytime soon. Biden has committed the United
States to the World Health Organizations Pandemic Treaty which contains a multitude of mandates
like vaccine passports, quarantines, examinations, etc. To insure compliance there must be a
culling of the herd, which is where the population control jab comes into play.
Social Credit Scores
and Digital Currency Are Closer Than You Think: In 2022 Joe Biden issued Executive Order 14067 to begin the process of issuing
digital currency. It should come as no surprise that China enacted a similar rule just months before.
With a social credit score system in place, funds could be mysteriously removed from your digital
account as punishment for any action deemed egregious by the government. As America marches towards
the abyss known as the Great Reset, many will be taken aback by their sudden lack of freedom.