Climate Rationing Is
On Our Doorstep: Genesis
8:22 explains to us that until Jesus returns there will be cold and heat. But the Marxists behind
the “Green Movement” care not about God’s Word. They are determined to implement their
tyrannical control at all costs. Following the blueprint of the COVID-19 lockdowns, the elite are
contemplating how and when to install food and fuel rationing to coincide with climate lockdowns. Resident
Joe Biden has claimed that climate change is an existential threat to the world, yet has not voiced one
concern about the number of coal-fired power plants being constructed in Red China. Meanwhile, Biden’s
regime and his “Climate Czar,” John Kerry, continue to pressure power companies to shutter coal
and natural gas power plants with no new construction imminent. However, if one follows the “green”
money trail, you will find it leads directly to Democrat mega-donors. Wealth redistribution is one of the
hallmarks of Marxist doctrine. Unfortunately for the working class, the only distribution that will happen
is the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.