(Volume 294): Jerry Barrett hosts and brings forth eye-opening secrets and
facts so often covered up by the mass media: (1) Jerry responds to some letters received
at the ministry; (2) Insanity has gripped America where up is down, good is evil, and
white is black; (3) Supreme Court hears case that could have severe repercussions of our
Fourth Amendment rights; (4) Biden Administration is pursuing vaccine passports creating
a “two-tiered system” for citizens; (5) University in England sponsors a bronze
statue celebrating climate alarmist Greta Thunberg; (6) Health Canada discovers that blue
face masks they mandated contain a substance that can cause pulmonary toxicity; (7) General
Motors announces it will ceased manufacturing all diesel and gas-powered vehicles, instead
focusing on electric vehicles to be carbon neutral by 2040; (8) After decades of brainwashing
people, Main Stream Media and government’s are losing control over the people—amazing
side affect created by pLandemic; (9) Recent report from the Director of National Intelligence on
domestic violent extremists possibly violated the law concerning spying on Americans; (10) New
York Times could be issuing a veiled threat to jurors of the Derek Chauvin murder trial in
Minneapolis, Minnesota; (11) Democrat-run cities could face even more uncontrollable violence
and destruction if the Derek Chauvin verdict is not acceptable to Antifa and Black Lives Matter
terrorists—should residents and business owners prepare?; (12) National Rifle Association
produces new video asking “Why is it people who want to take our guns know nothing about
them?” featuring Joe Biden and John Kerry; (13) Joe Biden has issued more Executive Orders,
Memorandums, and Proclamations than Trump and Obama combined in the same time frame; (14)
“Neanderthal thinking” proven to be a false alarm as Texas experiences no ill affects
of Governor Abbott’s opening up of businesses in the state; (15) SHOCKING!—CDC
confirms that virtual learning damages the mental stability and well-being of children; (16) A
public servant making $174,000 a year has amassed an amazing amount of property, including a 6,000
square foot mansion in an affluent neighborhood in Los Angeles—guess who it is?
