Secrets (Volume
294): Jerry Barrett
hosts and brings forth eye-opening secrets and facts so often covered up by the mass media: (1)
Jerry responds to some letters received at the ministry; (2) Insanity has gripped America where
up is down, good is evil, and white is black; (3) Supreme Court hears case that could have
severe repercussions of our Fourth Amendment rights; (4) Biden Administration is pursuing vaccine
passports creating a “two-tiered system” for citizens; (5) University in England
sponsors a bronze statue celebrating climate alarmist Greta Thunberg; (6) Health Canada discovers
that blue face masks they mandated contain a substance that can cause pulmonary toxicity; (7)
General Motors announces it will ceased manufacturing all diesel and gas-powered vehicles,
instead focusing on electric vehicles to be carbon neutral by 2040; (8) After decades of
brainwashing people, Main Stream Media and government’s are losing control over the
people—amazing side affect created by pLandemic; (9) Recent report from the Director of
National Intelligence on domestic violent extremists possibly violated the law concerning spying
on Americans; (10) New York Times could be issuing a veiled threat to jurors of the
Derek Chauvin murder trial in Minneapolis, Minnesota; (11) Democrat-run cities could face even
more uncontrollable violence and destruction if the Derek Chauvin verdict is not acceptable to
Antifa and Black Lives Matter terrorists—should residents and business owners prepare?;
(12) National Rifle Association produces new video asking “Why is it people who want to
take our guns know nothing about them?” featuring Joe Biden and John Kerry; (13) Joe Biden
has issued more Executive Orders, Memorandums, and Proclamations than Trump and Obama combined
in the same time frame; (14) “Neanderthal thinking” proven to be a false alarm as
Texas experiences no ill affects of Governor Abbott’s opening up of businesses in the
state; (15) SHOCKING!—CDC confirms that virtual learning damages the mental stability and
well-being of children; (16) A public servant making $174,000 a year has amassed an amazing
amount of property, including a 6,000 square foot mansion in an affluent neighborhood in Los
Angeles—guess who it is?
America Has Been
Betrayed: Jerry
Barrett is pleased to welcome Pat McShay back to the program. The Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC) recently released a report claiming masks do not provide protection against
COVID-19, but the Biden Administration and Dr. Anthony Fauci continue to push mandatory mask
mandates. Data also released by the CDC shows more women than men suffer serious side effects,
and some women have even suffered miscarriages after receiving this vaccine. Biden’s
press secretary actually lied to the people when she stated the vaccine was licensed and
approved by the FDA. CBS News has also reported that 80 percent of those vaccinated
have suffered negative side effects. The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) shows
over 1,500 deaths following vaccination in the United States. George Soros, along with Bill
Gates and others appear to be bankrolling the takeover of America. The Make America Great Again
movement has died on the vine and the betrayal of America is in full swing.
Where Are We At In
Society Today?: Jerry
Barrett explores a number of topics that show the disconnect from truth in our nation today. Topics
include: (1) Relatives of individuals can amend death certificates to show COVID-19 was a contributing
cause and receive $9,000 from FEMA—even if the deceased was not an American citizen; (2) During
Obama’s regime over 12,000 Americans died from swine flu, and a new CDC report reveals how many
actually died from COVID-19; (3) Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) exposes the COVID-19 radicals and their use
of theatrics, while abandoning science, to push mask mandates and vaccine passports; (4) As one of
only nineteen states that allow citizens to recall politicians, California state legislator has introduced
a bill to reveal the name and address of every person who signs a recall petition; (5) Another example of
“Good for me but not for thee” as Michigan Governor’s top aide vacations in Florida after
travel warning issued; (6) More unrest in Minneapolis after young man is shot by police, but details about
the shooting and his thuggish character are slowly coming to light; (7) Brooklyn Center City Manager fired
by city council for demanding due process be followed; (8) During testimony in the Derek Chauvin trial,
forensic pathologist declares facts that could lead jurists to acquit; (9) DARPA is at it again; (10)
Project Veritas exposes CNN in powerful exposé and foretells what the next
mind-control narrative could be; (11) California teacher comes unhinged during remote learning; (12)
Co-founder of the Black Lives Movement has gone on a property buying binge.
Unethical Human Experimentation
on American Citizens: Numerous
illegal experiments have been performed on unconsenting American citizens throughout the last century. The
government and private corporations performing these inhumane experiments have largely risen above the law.
Jerry Barrett and Sandra Myers take a look back to review these experiments and look to the future. Are
there illegal human experiments going on now? Can we trust our government and drug companies?
