America Has Been
Betrayed: Jerry
Barrett is pleased to welcome Pat McShay back to the program. The Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC) recently released a report claiming masks do not provide protection against
COVID-19, but the Biden Administration and Dr. Anthony Fauci continue to push mandatory mask
mandates. Data also released by the CDC shows more women than men suffer serious side effects,
and some women have even suffered miscarriages after receiving this vaccine. Biden’s
press secretary actually lied to the people when she stated the vaccine was licensed and
approved by the FDA. CBS News has also reported that 80 percent of those vaccinated
have suffered negative side effects. The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) shows
over 1,500 deaths following vaccination in the United States. George Soros, along with Bill
Gates and others appear to be bankrolling the takeover of America. The Make America Great Again
movement has died on the vine and the betrayal of America is in full swing.
