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    Repercussions from Trusting the Science:  Jerry Barrett is honored to welcome Dr. Carrie Madej to the program. The lockdowns implemented during the scamdemic have illustrated a blaring problem. Problem solving has become a lost art, and technology has become a crutch. As a social creature, we are supposed to communicate with our fellow man. Our connection to Jesus has been supplanted with iPhones, iPads, and other electronic devices. Unbeknownst to many, these devices are dumbing down the masses by utilizing this technology to propagandize what “Big Brother” has decided is truth. A byproduct of this is a society that is not happy. How can this be corrected?

    Illusion of Freedom: Jerry Barrett is pleased to welcome Dr. Henry Makow to the program. There is a cabal of very powerful people who have become a cancer on our society. Day by day these elitists have encroached on our liberties. From the Patriot Act to the scamdemic we were all subjected to, the writing is visible for those who have eyes to see. As we grapple with a life and death struggle, the elite have clandestinely and expertly manipulated global propaganda to bring us to the brink of utter destruction.

    Secrets (Volume 320): Jerry Barrett hosts and brings forth eye-opening secrets and facts so often covered up by the mass media: (1) Insurance analyst claims staggering mortality rate among those who have been vaccinated for COVID; (2) Another corporation has decided to enter the woke transgender support system; (3) Facing large financial losses, Target decides to remove some transgender items, drawing the ire of California Governor Gavin Newsom; (4) Prosecutors in “criminal” cases from the January 6 protests are asking judges to impose fines to offset donations from American citizens; (5) Former Kentucky Secretary of State fined for helping the Democrat Party to cheat in elections; (6) IRS agent blows the whistle on Hunter Biden investigation; (7) Hanoi Jane Fonda blames white men for climate change; (8) John Kerry, resident Biden’s “Climate Czar,” has declared war on American farmers and ranchers; (9) Habitual tardiness results in huge reward; (10) Professor who viciously attacked reporter with a machete claims she’s a victim; (11) Adam “Shifty” Schiff faces expulsion from Congress; (12) State Farm will no longer insure homes in California...and much more!

    Information Overload (Volume 8): Jerry Barrett is pleased to welcome researcher and reporter Pat McShay to the program. Topics exposed and discussed include: (1) Republicans in Name Only (RINO) in the house cave on the debt ceiling, exposing themselves as the snakes they are; (2) Department of Homeland Security is funding program’s at the university level propagandizing that Christians are Nazi’s; (3) World Health Organization treaty Biden is pushing will likely end American sovereignty; (4) New reports emanating from Russia are exposing more biolabs funded by American taxpayers are in Ukraine; (5) There is a war on farmers; (6) The national health crisis is being caused by climate change; (7) Jane Fonda calls for the arrest of white men; (8) Social Security is not an entitlement and much more.


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