Secrets (Volume
296): Jerry Barrett
hosts and brings forth eye-opening secrets and facts so often covered up by the mass media: (1)
A pilot who has flown for thirty years with American Airlines is under investigation for speaking
out against Critical Race Theory; (2) Amazon has abandoned its arbitration policy with customers
who claim its Alexa device has spied on them and basically told them to sue; (3) More than one
hundred employees have filed a lawsuit after the company made getting the experimental COVID-19
vaccine mandatory to maintain employment; (4) OSHA drops massive bombshell
announcement—employers who mandate COVID-19 vaccines can be held liable for adverse reactions
from the shot; (5) A “Defund the Police” mayoral candidate in Atlanta has car stolen
during a ribbon-cutting ceremony; (6) Penn State University is the latest higher-learning
institution to join the “woke“ roll by removing male-centric descriptors like Freshmen
and Sophomore from their vernacular; (7) George Soros-backed NGO received over $400,000 in
“Payroll Protection Program;” (8) Maxine Waters abuses her position of power for all to
see, but bristles when it is reported by the news; (9) Los Angeles County Sheriff announces his
department will issue more concealed carry licenses so law-abiding citizens can protect themselves
after a 36% increase in violent crime; (10) Rashad Turner founded Black Lives Matter St. Paul and
only lasted a year and a half before he saw the ugly truth about the Marxist organization and quit;
(11) Disney corporation has joined “woke” crowd by forbidding white employees from
questioning black peers about their “lived experiences” and offering a “White
Privilege” worksheet for self assessment; (12) The release of Anthony Fauci’s emails
have exposed his collusion with the CDC and WHO in preventing the use of hydroxychloroquine for
COVID patients resulting in numerous deaths; (13) Expect the Unexpected, a book to be
written by Anthony Fauci, has been scrubbed from Amazon and Barnes & Noble after emails expose
his corruption; (14) Hidden inside Microsoft’s Windows 10 software is spyware that records
keystrokes and the voices of its users and stores this data.
Fauci is the Bernie
Madoff of Science: The
recent release of thousands of Anthony Fauci’s emails has opened the floodgates of a massive
coverup. For over a year Fauci has been the “trusted voice” and darling of the controlled
media concerning this pLandemic. As more truth is revealed we have begun to see what a fraud Fauci
is. Those who claimed the virus had escaped from a lab in Wuhan, China were censored, deplatformed
and labeled conspiracy theorists because Fauci the Great had said it was false. Fauci has
lied during his testimony at Senate hearings and clandestinely published misleading articles in
prominent medical journals. With his credibility in tatters, one must wonder if Fauci will be allowed
to quietly fade out of the public eye.
Monsters In Our
Midst: Jerry Barrett
is pleased to welcome Pat McShay back to the program to discuss a number of topics: (1) Anthony
Fauci is a liar; (2) Election fraud in New Hampshire; (3) More criminal investigations of Donald
Trump; (4) Media censorship of important news; (5) Vaccines containing poisons to create a nation
of zombies; (6) Damages caused by the COVID-19 vaccine and much more in this lively hour of
information sharing.
Climate Change Hoax
Will Not Cease: Jerry
Barrett is pleased to welcome M.S. King to the show. With the planned implementation of the Green
New Deal, more and more propaganda is being spewed forth by Main Stream Media concerning climate
change. Mr. King, author of the powerful exposé Climate Bogeyman, has routinely
proven the hoax climate change really is.
