Newt Gingrich:
Satan’s Choice for Vice President: We are told that former House Speaker Newt Gingrich is on
Donald Trump’s “Short List” to be Vice President. Here’s absolute
proof that Gingrich is not only a poor candidate, he is Satan’s man! Gingrich is a
sick Israel Firster—he makes the preposterous claim that Palestinians do not even
exist. He is an agent of Jewish casino mogul Sheldon Adelson. An advocate of global trade,
he is called “Mr. NAFTA.” Gingrich has actually written a foreword for the
pro-Communist Jewish book, The New Civilization. In it, he promotes a borderless
world, the end of the U.S. Constitution; a new, more diverse religion; and a planetary
consciousness; and he criticizes the traditional family. He says that “nationalism
is outmoded” and that “national sovereignty” must be abolished. He says
we must have a “new economy” based on global socialism. Gingrich has given up
his Baptist faith and joined the Opus Dei secret cult of the Vatican. He is an evil, evil
deceiver and must not become Vice President of the U.S.A.

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