(Volume 309): Jerry Barrett hosts and brings forth eye-opening secrets and facts
so often covered up by the mass media: (1) President Jimmy Carter and his wife Rosalynn
celebrate 76 years of marriage; (2) Shocking audio reveals Planned Parenthood accepts
private donations which can be earmarked to kill black babies; (3) California law will
ban independent over-the-road truckers from working in the state, exacerbating an already
handicapped supply chain; (4) Strategic Oil Reserves which were supposed to ease the
pain-at-the-pump gas prices on Americans has instead, been sold to other countries; (5)
China-Joe sold 950,000 barrels of these oil reserves to a Chinese company with alleged
ties to Hunter Biden!; (6) Biden Economic Advisor, Brian Deese, says the quiet part out
loud on CNN; (7) Scottish man wishing to donate blood is turned away for refusing
to answer one question; (8) Anthony Fauci’s agency grants nearly half-a-million
dollars in attempt to make male monkeys transgender; (9) California Department of Justice
releases thousands of gun owner’s information to the public; (10) $750,000 worth of
fentanyl pills is not enough to keep criminal drug traffickers in jail longer than 18 hours;
(11) George Soros-back prosecutor in Virginia keeps releasing career criminals who commit
more violent crimes; (12) Highly touted Illinois “Red Flag Law” fails to prevent
mass shooting during Independence Day Parade; (13) Meat eaters beware...Klaus Schwab and
MasterCard introduce new credit card which will limit your carbon footprint; (14)
Queer-owned business in Philadelphia forced to close after woke employees claim the owners
were not woke enough; (15) New York City bodega worker faces second degree murder
charge—and self-defense is not applicable; (16) Gun sales exceed one million for the
thirty-fifth consecutive month.
