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    Secrets (Volume 298): Jerry Barrett hosts and brings forth eye-opening secrets and facts so often covered up by the mass media: (1) President Joe Biden and other Democrats want text message carriers to monitor private text messages and interrupt them if they contain so-called disinformation on the COVID-19 vaccine; (2) Joe Biden accused Facebook of “killing people” for allowing misinformation to be posted about the vaccine; (3) Barack Obama, unconcerned about creating a super-spreader event, plans massive birthday celebration at this $12 million mansion with over 700 guests and workers to attend; (4) Former Planned Parenthood director accuses the baby murdering organization of deception and malpractice; (5) Portland, Oregon, finally realizing that police are needed to fight violent crime, cannot find volunteers for a new unit attempting to curb the violence; (6) Rep. Maxine Waters, (D-CA) urges the CDC to extend eviction moratoriums despite a Federal Court’s ruling and Supreme Court affirmation that they have no power to enact such policy; (7) U.S. Air Force is developing micro-drones that will mimic the flight of flies and birds for surveillance purposes; (8) Democrat infrastructure bill contains some very worrisome proposals for American motorists—like a per-mile tax and impaired driving technology; (9) Disturbing news concerning Austin, Texas District Attorney and witness tampering; (10) California has attempted to set the trend in utilizing electric vehicles, but now a transit authority is considering the removal of its fleet of electric buses after one catches fire while charging; (11) California claims to be the leader in alternative energy but rolling blackouts and energy shortages are prompting a massive campaign to import power from neighboring states; (12) Thanks to the implementation of a new law, the price of bacon in California could skyrocket sixty percent in the coming year; (13) California Assemblywoman proposes providing free feminine hygiene products—to boys and girls—in all public schools free of charge.

    Information Overload: Jerry Barrett is pleased to welcome Pat McShay to the program to cover a myriad of topics: (1) Vaccine hesitancy poll by education levels reveals High School or less and PhD are least likely to accept the gene therapy; (2) Democrats in 2020 did not trust the vaccine, but now are on the verge of mandating all Americans get the jab; (3) The “vaccine” has caused innumerable deaths but the true numbers will not be released; (4) Without isolating the structure of the virus, as is the norm, a true diagnosis test cannot be trusted; (5) Animal testing for this mRNA therapy was halted after they all died; (6) Fauci lambasted attendees of the motorcycle rally in Sturgis, South Dakota but was mum on Barack Obama’s birthday bash; (7) Soros-backed District Attorneys are re-writing policy on prosecutions leading to the massive uptick in crime across the country; (8) Anti-American organizations are being supported by George Soros and major corporations; (9) Critical Race Theory in public schools is nothing more than Marxist indoctrination; (10) Principal in Atlanta, Georgia segregated black children from whites; (11) Oregon governor signs into law the removal of proficiency in math, reading, and writing to receive a diploma; (12) A new video explodes across the internet of drug-hazed Hunter Biden claiming he is being blackmailed by Russians; (13) Illegal aliens who test positive for COVID are being bused and flown across the country; (14) Information is coming forward proving the 2020 Presidential election was stolen and much more.

    The Children of Promise: The Apostle Paul, a born again Jew, had led the people of Galatia to Christ. As happens today, false teachers infiltrated the churches and began teaching a Judaized gospel. Paul exposed this evil doctrine of Mosaic law and explained that man is saved by God’s grace alone and through faith in Christ’s atoning death.

    Twilight Language: Jerry Barrett is honored to welcome Michael Hoffman to the show. Twenty years after his publication of Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare, Mr. Hoffman has published the long-awaited sequel, Twilight Language. Residing in a daily existence occult cues and indoctrination, Americans brush these signs off as unremarkable. They have been invaded by the alchemy and consumed by the process. What will it take to fulfill the mission God has intended for us?


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