of the Temple: A Texe Marrs Exclusive. Why does Rothschild, the Jewish
Sanhedrin, the Masonic Lodge, The Mormon Church, and scores of Satanic cults seek to
rebuild Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem? Why did Jesus condemn the Jews’
religion and cast the moneychangers out of the Temple? What of Jesus’ prophecy
that the Temple of the Jews would be destroyed and the House of Israel “left
desolate” until His return? Why do millions of pro-Zionist evangelical Christians
take pride in attempting to undo what Christ has done and strive to nullify Jesus?
prophecy and rebuild both the Temple and the House of Israel? What does the
“Temple” signify? What occult mysteries and satanic purposes are embodied
in the millennia-old quest to rebuild the Temple and reinstitute blood sacrifices? What
will happen when the antichrist (666) enters the rebuilt Temple and blasphemously
declares he is “God?”

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