(Volume 311): Jerry Barrett hosts and brings forth eye-opening secrets and facts
so often covered up by the mass media: (1) Recent survey shows most Americans do not believe
electric vehicles are practical; (2) How expensive are some of these EVs?; (3) Florida man
receives astronomical quote to replace the battery in his EV; (4) Heatwave threatens California
and residents are instructed to reduce energy consumption by turning up thermostats, not using
appliances and do not charge EVs; (5) Supply chain czar in Biden’s
administration claims lazy Americans need to get back to work to end logjams and out of control
costs; (6) Father laments parents losing parental rights if the transgender-mania, pushed by
looney-left activists, continues unabated; (7) Humorous quotes from doom and gloom prognosticators
concerned about global warming and coming ice age; (8) Climate czar John Kerry doesn’t want
energy independence for most Americans; (9) Biden’s Deputy Director of Climate, Jane Lubchenco,
has been banned for five years by the National Academy of Sciences—can we trust the science?;
(10) Social justice activists in education claimed teaching phonics to children promoted white
supremacy; (11) Minneapolis teachers union ends strike after school district agrees to lay off
white teachers first; (12) San Francisco business owners are fed up with city hall and are refusing
to pay taxes; (13) In effort to clean up the city, San Francisco officials are conducting a survey
about trash cans; (14) Toyota EUV has major issue keeping the wheels on; (15) Amazon is increasing
its surveillance of Americans; (16) Miami gun buy-back program to benefit Ukraine; (17) Texas
Governor is busing illegal aliens to “sanctuary cities;” (18) UK Royal Air Force is
pausing entrance to white males in favor of women and ethnic minorities.
