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November 2022 Set
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    Secrets (Volume 312): Jerry Barrett hosts and brings forth eye-opening secrets and facts so often covered up by the mass media: (1) CNN’s Don Lemon decided the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II was a good time to broach the subject of reparations for slavery; (2) Washington, D.C. councilwoman, who proudly supports DC as a “sanctuary city,” complains it has become a border town thanks to Gov. Doug Ducey (R-AZ) and Gov. Greg Abbott (R-TX); (3) Hypocrisy on display in Martha’s Vineyard after emergency declared when illegal aliens are flown in; (4) NOAA Hurricane Director schools Don Lemon that climate change did not cause Hurricane Ian; (5) Bill Gates behind new GMO maize seeds, touting them as “magic seeds;” (6) Big box stores are taking extreme measures to limit shoplifting from gangs of thugs; (7) Bill Gates brags he talked Donald Trump from investigating adverse reactions to the COVID jab; (8) FBI facing a class-action lawsuit after committing the largest “armed robbery” in United States history; (9) Ten disable Portland residents fighting city hall for the entire city; (10) Solar panel investment of $46,000 is labeled the “biggest waste of money in my life” by Pink Energy customer; (11) Researchers at the University of California Irvine reveal the electric grid will not support the looney-left’s dream of no gasoline or diesel powered vehicles; (12) Stanford University scientists claim charging EVs at night will crash the grid; (13) Tesla owner unhappy after dead battery locks him out of the vehicle; (14) Looney-left bureaucrats declare they have a moral obligation to ban diesel big-rig trucks by 2035; (15) Credit card companies, who have succumbed to the gun control nuts, will face penalties from the state of Florida.

    Climate Change—Deadly Globalist Scam: With the recent destruction by Hurricane Ian fresh in everyone’s mind, it is important to note that controlled media and politicians were quick to blame Climate Change. Did global warming lead to the rapid growth of Ian? What other plans are in place to combat this life-threatening, man-made event? Is the planet actually warming, or is this propaganda? Will true scientists ever be given a platform to be heard? Why did the government enact a gag order on employees at the National Weather Service and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration? Has the controlled media reported on the World Climate Declaration?

    Information Overload (Volume 5): Jerry Barrett is pleased to welcome investigative reporter and researcher Pat McShay to the program. Among the topics discussed: (1) Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joe Ladapo and cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough faced the wrath of Twitter; (2) Athletes around the world are suffering cardiac events after receiving the COVID-19 jab; (3) Bill Gates has a staff scouring the internet for items related to him; (4) CEO of Pfizer claims in interview he didn’t think these jabs were safe; (5) New law in Commiefornia will empower the medical police state in California to severely punish doctors who disseminate disinformation about this gene therapy; (6) The Unifier-in-Chief has further driven a wedge between American citizens; (7) PayPal’s updated user agreement includes a provision where those who share “disinformation” can be fined $2,500; (8) Schools have become New World Order indoctrination centers; (9) Progressive pundit claims we need an Obama-led democracy commission; (10) FBI whistleblower reveals how politicized the agency is; (11) Crime incidents continue to increase with progressive revolving door policy of no bail; (12) JD Vance shames democrats immigration policies; (13) Biden’s administration is filled with anti-American radicals; (14) Parental rights are on the precipice of being revoked; (15) Class-action lawsuits against doctors who perform gender mutilation surgeries could be on the horizon; (16) Biden economic advisers, and cabinet members are destroying our once vibrant economy, and much more.

    George Soros’ Plan to Destroy America: George Soros and his globalist pals are out to destroy America. The controlled media forms their propaganda arm, while public school teachers, influenced by Marxist doctrine, control the indoctrination centers. The looney-left progressives control, at least for now, Congress. Antifa, who in sane times would be categorized as domestic terrorists, are the muscle to enforce disruption in society. It was no accident that antifa thugs showed up with bricks and Molotov cocktails to lead riots. These terrorists were bused and flown into big cities to lead the unrest. Their weapons were delivered to protest sites ahead of time. Where did these violent thugs and hooligans come from? Could they have been released by the liberal district attorneys funded by George Soros?

    Where’s the Logic? (Volume 1): Jerry Barrett is honored to welcome Sandra Myers as we scratch our heads over liberal logic: Buying oil from OPEC instead of using our own oil; Abolishing the sale of gas-run cars, but telling people not to charge their electric cars, meanwhile the elite take private jets and mega yachts; Leaving the border wide open, but building walls around the Capitol and elite property; Violence skyrockets, we defund the police, but the elite hire private security.


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