What Happened
to My Country?: Former
President John Adams claimed that America was not founded as a Christian nation. He was partially
correct. However, America was founded on deep Christian moral truths. Our Founders believed that
God ordained moral standards, and that legislation should be made in accordance with these standards.
America has surely drifted from these principles. In the early twentieth century, with the
establishment of the Federal Reserve and the Internal Revenue Service, the federal government began
to grow in size and domain. The proliferation of drugs and free love led to abortion on demand. Sodomy
laws being struck down by the Supreme Court in 2003 led to the legalization of same-sex marriages. A
racial divide fomented by Barack Obama has led to the targeting of police officers. The morals and
scruples of our elected leaders are non-existent. The carnival side show that was the confirmation
hearing for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh should be a national embarrassment.