Unmasking the
Veil of Socialism: The education system has indoctrinated millions into the socialist
mindset. Social programs such as free health-care, housing, and food are perceived to be
rights granted to everyone. The belief that feelings matter more than free speech have also
been fomented in our youth. When comparing the number of people who attended President
Trump’s rallies versus those of Biden and Harris, the idea that Biden garnered more
popular votes than Barack Obama is far-fetched. Was voter fraud rampant or was Trump hatred
the driving force? Did the Democratic Attorney General of Pennsylvania declare victory even
before the election? Is our voting process full of systemic failures and inefficiency? Is
the “Great Reset” part of the socialist plan? What is the “Sunrise
Movement?” Are we in for a long, dark winter if Biden is confirmed as President?
Jerry Barrett is pleased to welcome Andrea Widburg, Deputy Editor at AmericanThinker.com
to the program to discuss these issues and more.
