(Volume 314): Jerry Barrett hosts and brings forth eye-opening secrets and facts
so often covered up by the mass media: (1) Key medications used to treat common childhood
illnesses are in short supply; (2) China and India manufacture eighty percent of active
ingredients used in medicines; (3) Respect for Marriage Act threatens Christian-owned
businesses and charitable organizations; (4) Electric vehicle hoax exposed in less than a
minute; (5) Dutch government plans to shut down up to three thousand farms; (6) Actress
Alyssa Milano frequently opens mouth and inserts foot; (7) Furniture manufacturer fired
all 2,700 employees while they slept, just days before Thanksgiving; (8) Disinformation
spreads faster than the truth in a shooting involving police; (9) FBI ran over 190,000
background checks on Black Friday; (10) The Hippocratic Oath has gone “woke!;”
(11) “Woke” medical school student punishes patient for laughing at her pronoun
badge; (12) United Kingdom bank goes woke and faces a rush of customers removing their money;
(13) Walmart CEO banned open carry in its stores, creating a target rich environment; (14)
Demonrat Michigan Governor is frothing at the mouth to begin implementing gun control now
that Dems control state legislature; (15) San Francisco Board of Supervisors enacts law
allowing SFPD to use armed robots; (16) Gender activists want to ban archaeologists from
identifying human remains as male or female; (17) Palm Springs, California implements
“universal basic income” to benefit homosexuals and transgenders only; (18)
Beauty pageant in Derry, New Hampshire declares transgender the winner; (19) Five vehicles
rented by Biden’s Secret Service mysteriously go up in flames after being dropped off;
(20) Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) claims parents should leave raising of kids to the professionals;
(21) Cross-dressing Biden official charged with stealing a woman’s luggage.