War on
Words: Jerry
Barrett is pleased to welcome Andrea Widburg back to the program. Today, the progressive
looney-left are working steadfastly to change the negative connotations of words in our
vocabulary. Many claim that pedophiles should be called “minor attracted persons.”
They claim the negative stigma attached to the word pedophile is destructive to the psyche.
Corporate America has also stepped up to further the manipulation of our youth. Kraft Peanut
Butter recently published a book teaching of the importance of transgender pronouns. Unless
more Americans refuse to bow down and accept the challenges to our language, the misuse of
pronouns could land us in prison on hate crime charges. In his ever-poignant novel, 1984,
George Orwell explained that power is tearing human minds to pieces and putting them back
together in shapes of your own choosing. Orwell, ever the wordsmith, labeled this as